Exploring the Racial Diversity of Loudoun County, VA

Loudoun County, Virginia is a vibrant area with a diversity score of 99 out of 100. To understand the changes in demographic trends, it is important to look at the ages, races, and population density of Loudoun County, Virginia. The following graphs and maps visualize decades of population data. The most diverse area within Loudoun County's boundaries is located in the south. The least diverse areas are in western Loudoun County.

The map below shows all of the districts of Loudoun County, Virginia, colored by their median household income (total).The most common employment sectors for those living in Loudoun County, Virginia are professionals, scientists, technical services (56,366 people), educational services (19,929 people), and public administration (18,102 people). This chart shows the percentage of homeowners in Loudoun County, Virginia compared to their parent and neighboring geographies. The following table shows how the average household income in Loudoun County, Virginia compares to that of its neighboring geographies and matrices. The following chart shows the percentage of foreign-born residents in Loudoun County, Virginia compared to that of their neighboring and parent geographies. This chart shows the breakdown of actions from major industries for residents of Loudoun County, Virginia. The table below shows how the number of patients seen by primary care doctors has changed over time in Loudoun County, Virginia compared to neighboring geographies.

Over the past 50 years, some counties were merged or divided and the resulting data was redistributed to other counties. Primary care physicians in Loudoun County, Virginia see 1,325 patients per year on average. The largest universities in Loudoun County, Virginia by number of degrees awarded are Divine Mercy University (44,586 (92 and 60.1%) and Patrick Henry College (61 and 39.9%). The population of two or more races was the third largest racial group in Loudoun County, Virginia. The largest universities in Loudoun County, Virginia are Divine Mercy University (44,586) (92 degrees awarded in 2002) and Patrick Henry College (61 degrees). The Asian population alone was the second largest racial group in Loudoun County, Virginia. The following graph shows households in Loudoun County, Virginia distributed among a number of income groups compared to the national averages for each group.

The most common workgroups by number of people living in Loudoun County are management occupations (37488 people), IT (26%) mathematical occupations (32 059 people), and business (26%) financial operations occupations (23 588 people).The chart below shows homes in Loudoun County distributed among a number of car ownership groups compared to the national averages for each group. With a diversity score of 99 out of 100, Loudoun County is much more diverse than other counties in the U. S.Loudoun County is an area with a rich history and a vibrant culture that is reflected in its diverse population. By understanding the racial makeup of this county through data visualization tools such as charts and maps, we can gain insight into how this area has changed over time and what it looks like today.

Dona Schlup
Dona Schlup

Hardcore zombieaholic. Food lover. Evil music fanatic. Food enthusiast. Hipster-friendly coffee advocate. Tea scholar.

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